Tortworth Plants Ltd

Tortworth Plants is owned and run by Tim Hancock and Rebecca Flint. We are keen plantspeople, with a passion for horticulture. We have both studied at horticultural college and worked in the industry for many years. The nursery produces a range of more unusual alpines and herbaceous perennials, while still stocking a good selection of classic favourite garden plants.
The nursery is based at Tortworth, Gloucestershire. As we are only a small business, we cannot guarantee that someone will always be at the nursery. You are more than welcome to visit, but please contact us first to arrange an appointment, to avoid disappointment.
We attend local country shows, plant fairs and Farmers' Markets and can bring plant orders for collection at any of these events. Please see our website for details. We also have a mail order service, to supply our plants to gardeners all over the country.
In addition, we offer a plant sourcing service, so if there is a particular plant that you have been trying to find, please get in touch and we will endeavour to locate it for you.
Instagram: @tortworthplants
Tortworth Plants' Top Alpines For The Spring
Tortworth Plants' Favourite Alpines for the Summer Season
Our Late Summer Desert Island Plants
Tortworth is a Treasure Trove, by Mandy Bradshaw
Old Lodge Farm
Gloucestershire GL12 8HF